Coherent Times Magazine

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Swedish teachers impressed by Consciousness based Education at Maharishi Free School in Skelmersdale, UK

Skelmerdsdale-Maharishi School Children2

From a recent article by Henry James in Champnews: …”Swedish teacher Miss Jacobsson said: ‘Students said they can concentrate better in school and that they have become better at focusing.

“They added that meditation affects the relationship between the students, they have become more tolerant and more harmonious as a group. They have simply become more cheerful, calm, confident and positive!'” …


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Outstanding GCSE results by Maharishi Free School

maharishi-school-skelmersdaleFrom”The Guardian” today:

“The results also revealed some good news for Gove’s flagship free schools programme, with an unorthodox free school in west Lancashire achieving some outstanding GCSE results.
The Maharishi Free School near Skelmersdale was fifth among non-selective state schools with 61% of its pupils gaining A* or A grades in art and design.
Its curriculum includes three periods of meditation each day for pupils, which headteacher Derek Cassells said was part of the reason for the school’s excellent results in art.”

And for those of you who speak French this is a nice review of our Maharishi School in England (and another special school on a boat).

Thanks to Graham Woollcombe.

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The transformative power of the Invincible Europe Assembly in Skelmersdale, England

James Mousley describes the benefits of taking the Invincibility Assembly,  in Skelmersdale, England, the  most powerful course programme, devised by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the founder of Transcendental Meditation and the TM-Sidhi programme ®. It develops individual enlightenment and Invincibility in collective consciousness by enlivening the invincible quality of Natural Law – the Unified Field.

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For more info about the TM  programme in Great Britain please visit

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Creating Coherence in Great Britain: Maharishi European Sidhaland in Skelmersdale

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The Maharishi European Sidhaland was established in 1980 as a special community for those who are interested in the practice of Transcendental Meditation and living an ideal, healthy quality of life. The community was created through the inspiration of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and is dedicated to individual enlightenment for its members and creating world peace through the positive influence of collective practice of Transcendental Meditation and its advanced programmes. Facilities include the Maharishi Golden Dome, a Maharishi Ayurveda Health Centre and a Sports and Arts Centre. The community is situated in Skelmersdale, Lancashire, in the north west of England. Membership is currently 300, including children. Their aim is to expand to a population that would enable 800 experts in Transcendental Meditation and the more advanced TM-Sidhi Programme, including Yogic Flying, to practice the programme together twice a day in the Maharishi Golden Dome, which forms the heart of the community. Scientific research has established that 800 people is the required number to create a significant influence of positivity and coherence throughout collective consciousness in the UK. This leads to reduced negative trends and enhanced positive trends in national life, essentially rendering the nation invincible.



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